Kloster vienna
Malt Specifications
Our Most Robust Base Malt Lacking Melanoidins.
Caramel sweetness and rich nuttiness with more distinct toastiness, yet lacking melanoidin flavors.
Fit for wide range of darker Ales such as ESB, Porters, Stouts, Barley Wines where you want more of the flavor contribution coming from base, not just specialty
Kilning process produces fragrant graham cracker cake notes.
A Premier Base Malt Choice For Dark Malt Driven Beers
Moisture (%) <3,5
Friability (%) >88
Extract (FGDB) (%) >81,5
Color (Wort) °EBC 10 -11
Total Protein (%) 9,9-10,7
S / T (%) 39-43
FAN (mg/L) 120-140
Diastatic Power °L 60<90
Ph 5,7
Filtration time Normal
Clarity Clear
*Malt specs subject to minor variation on a per batch basis​